Fall Checkup 2022/秋の検診2022

A sleeping pill is helpful.  I usually take one tablet after sending my wife off to work before 8am, but I took the usual two tablets, went to bed at 1 am and woke up at 6 am.  After sleeping for 5 hours, waking up was very good.

The morning at Kyoto in early November is chilly and sunny.  The trees along the Kamo River were dyed in warm colors. 



The chairs on the blood collection floor were almost full, waiting for 80 people.  I realize that the world has returned to before coronavirus disaster.

Different thing happened in endoscopy inspection.  As soon as I was connected to the sedative drip to prepare, I instantly fell asleep, and when I woke up, the examination was over.

Until then, I knew the examination status in a half-awakened state, but I have no memory at all this time. " We didn't do anything unusual, it just happened." That was the answer. 

CT scan test was also awaited.  The equipment is Toshiba Prime Trillion, not Canon.  When I checked it after returning home, I found that it "provides high-definition images while enabling low-dose imaging and examinations with a small amount of contrast agent." As a result, I didn’t felt sick.

I had dumped after the spring checkup so that we planned to go home without eating, but I was feeling fine and went to the sushi chain restaurant after stopping at bakery.  I ate almost to the limit, but still nothing.

Test results was available in late November.  Kyoto in late autumn is still charming.  




CT検査も待たされた。装置はCanonではなく、Toshiba Prime Trillion。帰宅後に調べると『低被ばく撮影、かつ、少ない造影剤での検査を可能としながら高精細画像を提供』とあった。気分が悪くなることはなかった。



"There was no problem," said the doctor casually scrolling through the computer screen.  What was suggested was a surprise.  Next time, I will have a telephone consultation in the spring, and an endoscopy and CT examination in the fall.  No more spring to go to a hospital in Kyoto.

After going straight to a sushi chain restaurant, we tried walking around Nishiki Market for the first time in a long time, but it was already crowded so we gave up immediately and turned back.  We bought Burger King for dinner for the first time in a long time, walking around the Kawaramachi area and took a break at a smoking spot by the Takase River.  A heron was walking leisurely in front of us.

「問題なかったですね」と、担当医はさりげなくパソコン画面をスクロールした。提案されたのは、思いがけないことだった。次回は春に電話診察し、秋に内視鏡とC T検査をやる。京都の病院通いに、春がなくなる。


We had been visiting Kyoto in spring and fall every year before I started to go to the hospital four times a year, but I wondered if we would come next spring just to see the cherry blossoms while looking at the northern scenery from the Shijo Ohashi Bridge for a while.



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